Importance Of Energy Efficiency Essay

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Energy efficiency is "using less energy to provide the same service". Energy efficiency is not about energy conservation Energy efficiency is a way of lessening energy consumption. There are multiples reasons why we should adopt an energy efficient lifestyle namely because it saves us money, it enhances the quality of life and most importantly it helps protect the environment. To save money, we can adopt a new lifestyle in simple but efficient ways, for example, replacing the regular incandescent with energy-efficient lightbulbs such as halogen incandescent, compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs), and light emitting diodes (LEDs) saves up money as they uses five to six times less energy than the classic one and hence reduces the bill. These lamps sure cost more than the normal incandescent bulb but they last up to ten times longer again saving us money. Also, we can use a solar heater at home instead of electricity consuming heating. It actually is a good option for us as Mauritius is a tropical island Some simples and effectives daily gestures can contribute in the improvement of our environment, changing our traveling methods for example not only helps our health but also contributes in making the world a better place. Instead of using public transports or our own vehicles, we could just walk or ride a bike whenever it is possible. It saves petrol and reduces pollution. For long rides, we can classify our trips by locations, like go to the shop, pharmacy and pick up clothes from the dry cleaning in one go instead of coming back home and going out again. We should also avoid driving at high speed, driving at low speed lowers fuel consumption and reduce the use of air conditioner in cars. Saving water by closing the taps while they are not in use, repairing defective pipes and collecting rain water for watering and washing cars reduces the unnecessary use of potable

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