Inter Cultural Cooperation Essay

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Importance of cultural cooperation and inter-cultural dialogue in the 21st century
Once, a scientist-anthropologist, Sir Edward Burnett Tylor said: Culture is a universal capacity of person. To what extend was Sir Tylor right is quite a debatable and controversial subject, but the role of culture is undeniable. Culture carries a huge impact on traditions, religions, social values and attitudes of the communities. Culture is a major indicator which emphasize who we are, and where do we belong, but what is a role of this phenomenon on a global scale today? How is Culture connected to globalization and what is an importance of Cultural cooperation and inter-cultural dialogue?
Though countries, governments, and states are separated from each …show more content…

Recently, a lot of major discoveries have been made through co-financing and co-researching among several countries and organizations. This trend not only shows better results, but also considers perceptions of different cultures, as well as attitudes and consensus which can occur. For example, BTC pipeline is a worldwide known project because of its huge scope. Main reason of an enormous size is not only an involvement of three countries (Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey), but also participation of a lot of European countries. This huge project is realised via close corporation among international team of economists, businessmen and engineers and innumerable communities and millions of citizens affected by it (S. Frederick Starr, 2005). Similar transcontinental tunnels or bridges are also built on Intercultural dialogue principles. Channel Tunnel, (also known as Le Manche tunnel in French) which connects United Kingdom to France via underwater bridge is a brilliant example. This unique structure is a result of high and effective cooperation between 2 countries. Additionally, such cooperation will shove a promotion of such discoveries and make them more well-known and available for public …show more content…

Millions of people from different communities watch Music events like Grammy, Eurovision, World Music Awards or Final games of Champions’ league, while thousands of fans from 4 sides of world gather together and share their opinions, thoughts and impressions. Experiences like these or simple tweets after event’s closure set up different trends on a worldwide scale. Co-production of recent movies like “Raid” which is an Indonesian movie, but directed and written by American Director or a recent Local movie “The Last One” which was directed and co-produced by Russian filmmakers and going to be screened at Cannes this summer. Another example is an Oscar won of Roman Polanski in 2002. Though Polanski was in Wanted list within U.S.A boundaries, a world of Fine Art made a bold decision and awarded the director of “The Pianist”. That was a pure evidence of cultural impact on a prominent branch of fine art. Similarly, couple of years when legendary director faced once more legal problems with U.S government, almost every filmmaker from all direction of world came to support Polanski and they subsequently achieved their goal, and released him out of prison. It was not a political or a national action to achieve that target, but a unique unitisation of fine-art

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