Importance Of Community Organisation

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What is Community Organisation? Community is a population aggregate, inhabiting a territory, integrated through common experience, possessing a number of basic service institutions, conscious of its local unity and able to act in a corporate capacity. IDENTIFICATION OF NEEDS Geographical Community The community identified was Kathargonda which is a Urban Slum which comes under the Ratu Cluster. This slum is located 4 km away from Ratu road. This community is a heterogeneous composition of ST/SC and OBC people. The people living in that community basically belongs to ‘Sarna’ religion. It is a diverse community consisting of people from different backgrounds and different economic status. The cultures practiced by the people living in this …show more content…

Also there was lack of sense of cooperation. There is always high level of expectation from the community people - The people whose children were suffering from any kind of disability were expecting that their child should get well soon and get rid of the suffering. Problems in gathering the people for interaction - In order to interact with the people living in the community there was difficulty in meeting the people as they were indulged in different activities such as few are labourers, rickshaw pullers, pedestrians. And also due to some emergencies like death of someone in the locality people or marriage function. Problems in identifying the beneficiaries location where they are residing - Due to the congested locality there is always problem in finding the beneficiaries homes. Problem in Communication - Language was the major barrier in communicating with the slum dwellers as the people living in that area only used the regional language of that area. RANKING AND PRIORITISING THE NEEDS Food and nutrition Safe drinking water Education …show more content…

By this method we came to know the economic condition and status of the people living in the community. By interviewing the people through structured format of questionnaire - By interviewing people with the help of structured format of questionnaire through home visit we can come to know the different needs of different people of the community. By Creating awareness among the people through mobilisation programs at community - By conducting training programmes we can sensitise a large group of people about the social causes and issues of the problem prevailing in the community. Through growth chart malnourished children are identified - Growth chart is a chart in which the exact weight of the child is mentioned according to the height and age of the child. There are different prescribed charts separately for male and female child. By conducting screening programs with regards to disabled children - Screening is basically done to identify or detect whether there is disability in the child or not. CHALLENGES

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