Importance Of Clean Eating And Weight Loss Essay

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Clean Eating & Weight Loss As we ring in the new year, many of us have areas in our lives in which we want to spend extra effort to improve. That may be losing a few pounds, eating healthy or using that gym membership you forgot about. In the past, you may have tried the latest fad diet or exercised like there was no tomorrow in hopes to shed a few pounds without lasting results. Weight loss doesn’t happen overnight and takes more than exercise and restricting calories for success. While exercise and portion size certainly play a role, it’s the types of food that are important. Counting calories is exhausting and “diet” foods, not only taste bad and are unsatisfying, can be harmful. They’re full of processed ingredients, sugar, artificial sweeteners, chemicals and preservatives. Avoiding refined foods and sugar while focusing on adding real food …show more content…

Work up to 1/2 your body weight in ounces per day, more if you’re day includes caffeinated beverages or alcohol. Carry a bottle of water around as a remember. Many mistake thirst for hunger, if you feel hungry, drink a glass of water and wait a few minutes. Exercise and stress management are also important. Strive for 30 minutes of exercise at least 3 times per week. Stress is a factor in weight loss, you may not realize how much stress you’re carrying around. It’s especially important to slow down and relax when you eat. This allows for digestion to occur and absorption of the wonderful nutrients from the real food you just ate. Yoga, breathing exercise and meditation are great tools for reducing stress! Clean eating isn’t a diet, it’s a lifestyle and becomes easier as you go. Habits can be changed, you just have to work at it. Keeping a food journal and allowing yourself a favorite “bad” foods once a week can help keep on the path. If you get off track don’t be discouraged, take a moment, clear you mind then jump right back

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