Importance Of Business Mentoring

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Research in both educational settings and in the world of business indicates that students, employees, and CEOs are more likely to succeed if they had a mentor. Fortune 500 CEOs were asked what contributed most to their success. Many listed an effective mentor as one of the key factors. As a result, more and more entrepreneurs and business owners are following the lead of their corporate counterparts by engaging the services of professional business mentors.

Mentoring is most often defined as a professional relationship in which a more experienced person, referred to as the mentor, assists another person less experienced, referred to as the mentee, in developing specific skills and knowledge that will enhance the less experienced person's …show more content…

When you struggle all alone in your business, it can lead to costly and demoralizing mistakes. Having an experienced business mentor spares you the trouble of having to crack the business success code on your own. A seasoned, professional business mentor is the perfect person to offer help and advice, especially if you are just starting out or facing difficult challenges. An experienced business mentor has been there and done that! He/she knows what works and what doesn't work.

By tapping into the wealth of knowledge and experience of a business mentor, you can fast-track your business success by minimizing the mistakes most entrepreneurs make... Why try to re-invent the proverbial wheel, when you can engage the services of a seasoned, professional business mentor to help you navigate the minefields associated with growing your business.

Don't be trapped into thinking you don't need a business mentor simply because you think know your business. Just like sports, running a business is highly competitive. So, if top athletes employ coaches/mentors, then it makes perfect sense to follow in the footsteps of these top athletes and employ your very own business

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