Importance Of Body Language Essay

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What is more important than anything else when it comes to approaching a pretty woman and attracting her attention? Is it your appearance? No! Is it how much money you make? No! Is it how old you are? No! There is no doubt that communication is the most important factor. You most likely feel that this is a quite wild reasoning, yet it is true. It is the verbal and non-verbal exchanging of information that occurs between people that will serve to draw the attention of the ladies. The majority of the communication that occurs between people is the non-verbal kind. In fact, up to 90% of our communication is due to body language alone. Body language is comprised of subtle subconscious signals that we send out in to the world, often without even realizing it. Women are particularly adept at picking up on body language, although they are not always aware that they are doing it either. …show more content…

Taking control and mastering the use of body language is actually not all that difficult, and with a bit of practice you can get extremely positive results very quickly. Mastering the techniques outlined in this article will help you to immediately experience an increase in self confidence and have others approach you more often. Mastering body language also has the advantage that once you make small, subtle, and effective changes, with enough practice they become second nature and just part of the way you present yourself to

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