Importance Of Art Therapy

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Dearest Reader,

What you will uncover here is my deepest desire; that art should be used to heal or relate to a person’s soul. This has been the epitome of my heart since my sophomore year as a college undergrad. That year I had switched my major from a bio pre-med major to an art and theater major. I have always wanted to help people throughout my life and I thought that the best way was to become a cardiac surgeon, to serve in the peace corp, and to be a part of the military. Although these professions were a great way to help others, they would only support the physical parts of a person.
Out of sheer interest, I partook in an experimental class titled Art Therapy. In this class I learned that the healing of the physical body is only a single aspect, but the mind and most importantly the heart is in need of the most healing. My final presentation in this class dealt with child abuse, more specifically sexual child abuse. Although I did not face such an ordeal, having to research and review past art therapy sessions for this hurtful experience, has brought much thought to the afterwards effect of facing tribulation. From this class, I found that art could provide an outlet to the heart of a child or anyone. But specifically in the case of sexual child abuse, art would allow ways to …show more content…

Another moment that is not too far from theater is art. Not the arts, but art. My latest project, that is still in the making is a series of artworks called Moments of the Heart. This art series is going to express the feeling of different emotions, especially in times of pain. The way the heart begins to blacken, or the way a part withers away, and the way of renewal, a sense of relief, or that silver lining that has been grasped. That is what my art will do. It will depict the fissure in our hearts, but also share a sense of hope that healing will come, and that the healing has already

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