Importance Of A Monologue

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Monologues are something required in almost all theatrical auditions, therefore, they are one of the most important things to perfect when preparing for a career in the theatre. Although I am not pursuing this career path, monologues, especially during the rehearsal process, continue to be one of my favorite parts of growing as actor and performer. I was excited to have another chance to prepare a monologue and have a similar experience to that which I had in Intro to Acting last semester. However, I knew that this one had to be on a whole new level because of the quality of work that I had seen from my peers and the expectation to improved as an actor. This semester, as usual, choosing a monologue seemed particularly difficult because of the high expectations for the perfect piece. I was also not able to read many plays in order to choose a monologue due to the large time commitment, and my lack of spare time, but thankfully, I was able to use the …show more content…

Initially I choose a piece from The Shape of Things, but after further investigation even though I loved the piece it was not right for the given assignment. When I was lead in the direction of Reasons to be Pretty I was pleased with the multitude of choices it gave me for a monologue that would be active but not over powering to a young actor. Although, it was something I would not have chosen for myself Steph’s monologue ended up being the perfect monologue for me. I have always felt the need to make a powerful statement with a line, monologue, or scene. I think this is also why I have a harder time choosing a monologue, because I am under the impression that I can change someone’s entire view of society through a minute long monologue. This piece was so different than something am usually drawn to in that I have a much simpler objective that I am actually able to control and settle

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