Importance Of A 504 Plan

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According to what I have learned in class, a 504 plan is for when a student does not qualify for an IEP but still needs some accommodations. A student may meet the first two prongs of eligibility for special education but does not meet the third prong of needing specifically designed instruction. If this is the case the student can still receive a 504 plan. According to, “A 504 plan outlines how a child’s specific needs are met with accommodations, modifications and other services. These measures “remove barriers” to learning”. This is important because the student will still get the accommodation he or she needs. To find out if a student is eligible they can view the requirements to receive a 504 plan. reminds us that, “Having a disability doesn’t automatically make a student eligible for a 504 plan. First the school has to do an evaluation to decide if a child’s disability “substantially” limits his ability to learn and participate in the general education classroom”. This is important because some may think if a student has a disability then they will automatically receive a 504, but that is not the case. According to the website if the school or parents suspect a 504 needed, the school will get permission from the parent. After that, the student will get evaluated; the school can get its …show more content…

The site is called it has a specific list of what it expects of its special education teachers. The first point was to provide direct and indirect support to the student. This also included when teaching use strategies that will help the students develop their sensory, cognitive, motor, language, condition, and memory skills. This already seems like a demanding task. I have seen Mr. Mitchell do this by mixing activities. He would mix sensory such as having the kids shape number out of clay instead of just writing the

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