Importance And Importance Of Personality

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The personality is an important indicator of the a person which is made up of a combination of complex features. Each person’s personality is unique in the traits, behaviours and reacting to stimulus, etc. Therefore, measuring the personality is really important in psychology to build the personal profile of the client. The genes, environment and the social factors affect the design of a personality. A personality test should be rich with components which can cover all the types of personalities. The psychological assessment was originated by Sigmund Freud as Psychoanalysis. The Neo Freudians, Alfred Adler and Carl Jung adapted the Freudian concept and developed the theories and tests in order to inferiority complex and “The Word Association …show more content…

The participant is educated female from Sinhala fluent background who has completed the higher studies in English.Initially, to make the comfortable background for the test examiner introduces own self: name, college and the program and the type of the test. Then the examiner records the details of the participant: name, age.The participant is informed that the test was measuring the usual way of behaviours, feeling and actions and not a measuring test of intelligence or ability. Furthermore, the participant is advised to tick the box under the questionnaire with yes or no with the first reaction for the items. The time is not recorded, but it does not take more than 10 minutes to complete the …show more content…

The participant’s answers match with three score tables (E score and N score and lie scale). The lie scale contains 9 items to measure to what extend a participant is socially desirable during the test. If the participant scores 5 or more than 5 for this scale, the results would be unreliable. The dimensions of the test are Extroverts vs Introvert and Neurotic vs Stable personality traits.The participant scored E score – 11 out of 24, N score – 7 out of 24 and Lie scale – 2 out of 9. Given EPI circle shows, the participant belongs to the Phlegmatic category with introvert, stable personality. According to the results the participant is a person with calm, even – tempered, reliable, controlled , peaceful and careful

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