Imperialism In The Late 19th Century

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Imperialism is a policy of extending a country's power and influence beyond its borders. By the late 19th century, this was an idea that was thought to be the next step for the U.S. Like any idea, it faced challenges. There were imperialists, which were people who supported the idea and anti-imperialists who did not. There are nine original documents that serve as an example of the challenges that arose. Each document either supported or opposed, most of them supporting, stating political, social or economic reasons as to why. To begin with Document A, from historian Alfred Mahan, I quote “Americans are ceasing to be fighting animals...becoming fattened cattle fit only for slaughter...Whether they will or no, Americans must now begin to look outwards...a strong navy is …show more content…

A political cartoon by political cartoonist charles Nelan. The cartoon shows congress being attacked by a person from another nation. Opposing alfred's idea, the cartoon seems to suggest that imperialism is worth more trouble than it's worth. Infact that it can put the national politics and government in danger. Other opposing documents included document F which stated a social/moral reason. Which was that imperialism would be a criminal aggression and disloyal to the principles of the government. The rest of the documents supported imperialism stating political reasons as to why. Except for two. Document G, a speech in the U.S Senate by Albert J. Beveridge, stating the Manifest Destiny, which would be social reasoning and Document I which was a map of all the US’s involvement and possessions, which would be economic reasoning. In conclusion, although imperialism faced challenges, it had more support and opposition. Also, much of that support was coming from higher up from people like Alfred Mahan and Albert J. Beveridge who had great influences. Alfred Himself has been called the most important American Strategist of the Nineteenth

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