Impact Of Environmental Problems In The Environment

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Problems and Impacts in Our Environment and How to be more Eco-Friendly Every day there is a new discovery in the environment. Either we are finding new species or exploring the vast waters that cover our planet. But still, what is the environment? Why and how should we make it our responsibility to keep it beautiful? There are a tremendous number of problems in our environment that can be fixed if we all make an effort to fix them. An awareness and conscious effort could help lessen the impact of the harsh outcome of these problems now and in the future. There are many ways to become more eco-friendly and spread the awareness of these alternatives and make them more available. These practices are necessary and we often forget the importance …show more content…

Other forms of pollution include water and soil pollution. Soil pollution is caused by industrial waste that robs the soil of its essential nutrients. This makes harvesting crops more difficult and over time destroys the planet’s soil. Water pollution is caused by oil spills, acid rain, urban runoff, and trash that lands in the ocean. It is important to keep our waters clean for marine life and to provide clean drinking water for all. Water is a basic human necessity and polluted water can be deadly. Lack of sanitation in water can lead to serious illnesses like cholera and possibly …show more content…

Evidence from an article by the CEF explains how this invisible layer has been destroyed by harsh chemical gases. The ozone layer provides protection from the sun’s harmful UV rays. When poisonous substances like Chlorine and Bromine reaches this layer it creates a hole, the biggest of which is over Antarctica. This hole disrupts the protection from these harmful rays. Due to these problems, laws have been put in place to help protect the ozone layer from harmful toxins. We must keep the air and water clean in order to prevent disease and to provide basic human

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