Impact Of English Essay

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In today’s global environment, English has become the foremost language of the business world, creating a new and unprecedented demand among non-native speakers to learn a language that, once achieved, leads to clear social and economic advantage. In writing this paper, I found that fluency in the English language has a dramatic impact on the success and employment status of an individual. Throughout its history, a number of factors have played a part in the rise of English as a globally dominant language. Trade, exploration, centuries of conquests, religion, and literature have all contributed in their own ways to the remarkable expansion of English in the world (Sue-Lo Twu). The modern age has transformed these categories and as a result, English has gained importance through necessity rather than by brute force. The lasting and dominant power of English continues to be influenced by political factors, technological advances, and the globalization of the economy and business, as well as the geographical placement of major English speaking countries (Sasaki, Suzuki, and Yoneda 382-383). “After Babel: A New Common Tongue” reports that “most international European companies…tend to use English as their…working language regardless of their base”. These competitive and modern factors have given English the upper hand against other common international languages, such as French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, and Arabic. According to Ethnologue, there are 180 million native speakers of English and an impressive 360 million non-native speakers as of 2006, a 1:3 ratio (Sasaki et al. 382). In addition, it has been predicted that by 2050 half of the world’s population will be proficient in English (“A World Empire By Other Means”). This dram... ... middle of paper ... ...ins in grade school. In the U.S. there are 3.4 million ESL students in grade schools (“Preparing English language learners for academic success”). These students perform at a substantially lower level than their native-speaking counterparts. We are witnessing English becoming an essential language among a variety of countries. The needs may be different, but the effects of change almost always begin with businesses and the Internet, trickling down to affect the service industries and low wage earners. In many job settings, English can be a precursor to the skill itself. Without English as a skill, many immigrants can find it difficult or even impossible to find work in the U.S. Though the order of world politics may change and shift, the world is gravitating toward a common language to communicate as we grow more closer and more connected as a global community.

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