Imagine There's No Wellington

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Imagine There’s No Wellington (It’s Easy if you Try) Initially, Christopher Boone is seen as being a very creative, outspoken, misunderstood, yet brilliant mind, despite his affliction. One has to wonder, what are the lengths of his mind? How far could he imagine? As a literary audience, questioning everything is essential for a novel such as this one. What if we (a literary audience) subjectively questioned life the way Christopher did? His imagination spoke volumes, his imagination spoke prime numbers. Chris imagined like that of a rockstar, the notorious, often spoken, John Lennon. This novel could have easily had the plot destroyed by one lapse of Christopher's inquisitive judgement. Had he not been so bold in pursuing …show more content…

It also leads us to start comparing his subjectivity to this essay's namesake, “Imagine There's No Wellington (It’s Easy if you Try)”. Choosing the song that inadvertently, killed (or led to the death of- it's only been speculated-) John Lennon wasn't an easy choice to make. Standing out from a crowd is something, these two (Chris, John) had quite the knack for. As a matter of fact, John Lennon’s entire run as a solo artist had to do with (partially) his doubting of a God in the first place. Christopher is very like minded on the subject. Imagine there wasn’t a Wellington in this story. There is a possibility that nothing would come of this novel, eliminating the initial factor in Chris’s strive for independence. There are a million possibilities as to when Chris would have started to prove himself as more of an adult. The “what if” factor is tremendous in this one. It’s easy to ask it, if you try (as Lennon …show more content…

While they were much different than Lennon’s, they consumed him. If Chris were to write a song, it would come out very similar to “Imagine”. Something like “Imagine there are no yellow cars” or “Imagine there are no liars”. Many people believe this song envisions the perfect world and implies that the human race is responsible for all the hatred cast upon our environment and upon each other. This is another very subjective belief voiced by Lennon in such a poetic way. Christopher would agree with this belief one-hundred and ten percent. Chris generally thinks of people as a cancer, not just for lack of empathy, but because the world treats people like him differently. He positively would love a more peaceful world. His dream world was one where him, and the rest of the people in the world were alike and didn't necessarily rely on facial expressions to express how they were feeling. Other people believe this song is a very intricate way of saying that government is pointless. Those are the people, that minds such as Lennon’s, tend to despise and are the reason they have to be subjective. In order for someone to understand your true meaning to the things you say, one must not simply say the thing which they mean, but explain in detail. Sometimes people should be left to figure the meanings out on their

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