Imagery and Structure in Women by Mary Swenson

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Imagery and Structure in Women by Mary Swenson

In May Swenson’s poem, Women, the imagery and structure work very well with the content of the poem. Swenson writes a poem about women and what they should be. At first glance, the image of the poem could be a play on women and their curves. However, once the reader examines the content of the poem, it is clear that Swenson is using the image of the poem to play on what women should be, or perhaps what they are perceived to be.

The first stanza says that women should be moving to the motions of men. This is clearly seen in how the poem is moving across the page. However, the perplexing part of this stanza is that Swenson says that women should be pedestals. When thinking of a pedestal, the reader might imagine that a woman should be held as a position of high regard and adoration. This seems to be an impossible task to undertake when Swenson suggests that a woman should be reliant upon the man for her movement.

The last part of this stanza discusses how women should be little rocking horses. This seems to portray an image that a woman is merely a childish prize. This relates back to childhood and how the prettiest toy is always the best, and children always want the best toy or prize. Still, this part of the stanza gives another image of how women should be moving, just like the poem.

The second stanza, which is swaying back in the opposite direction form the first, seems to take a different turn to how women should be. This middle stanza possesses an almost a negative connotation, which is very hard to interpret. However, this negativity seems to be only sarcasm. Swenson writes about the ears of a horse, which a child might hold onto while riding. This could be interpreted to have a sexual content, but this may not be how the author meant to come across to the audience. The imagery of this stanza, which seems to be rocking back in the opposite direction of the first, is shown in the words of a young child riding their rocking horse.

The last part of this stanza brings more of an insight to the structure of the poem.

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