Imagery In Annie Dillard's 'Living Like A Weasel'

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Living Like a Weasel. (Dominant Imagery) In living like weasels, Annie Dillard was terrify when she saw the weasel last week at sunset by evening. “ Weasel! I had never seen one wide before. He was ten inches long, thin as a curve, a muscled ribbon, brown as fruitwood, soft-furred,alert. His face was fierce, small and pointed as lizard’s;he would have made a good arrowhead.” Page (165), I think this quote is comparing to imagery because she describes the weasels when she saw him and realized that weasels is wide and she has never seeing that kind of weasel. Also on page(165-166),the weasels left and didn’t come back, Annie thought she exchange brains with the wessels. The effect it

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