Illuminati Conspiracy Theory

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The Illuminati by definition is a group of people claiming to possess enlightenment or knowledge of something. They are also known as the Black Nobility or the Moriah Conquering Wind. For many who are unaware of what this secret organization is, it is an American cult whose main goal is for new world order with the help of highly ranked government officials, international bankers, members of the United Nations, certain Hollywood producers, and artists in the music industry. Although many argue if their existence is real or not, they influence everyone’s lives without many noticing. Many conspiracy theories have formed over the years from how the organization was formed, who is in association with them, and where their headquarters are. …show more content…

Many speculations about who may be involved in the Illuminati have ranged from people like Kanye West to Taylor Swift. Although, one might suggest the most suspicious of all would likely be Beyoncé, her husband Jay-Z, and as crazy as it may sound, their three-year-old daughter Blue Ivy. It is important to note, however, that Beyoncé has even said herself that she has a alter ego or other personality. She claims that her second personality, that she said is named Sasha Fierce, officially came out for the first time when she performed “Crazy In Love” during her 2003 BET Award performance. She claims, “I have someone else that takes over when it is time for me to work and when I am on stage, this alter ego that I have created that kind of protects me and who I really am.” As crazy as it may sound to some, it is believed Beyoncé, along with many other famous individuals, can thank only the Illuminati and all of their support for their fame and wealth. But one might ask how this would benefit this secret society. Through financing these artists they believe that their “Satanic messages” will affect all who listen into supporting and believing in their goal of a one world order. In addition, it also might be wondered how listening to pop music influences you to believe that world domination is the key to striving. The Illuminati hopes that with …show more content…

currency, the U.S.’s government also holds many secrets. In presidential elections, it is common knowledge that in most instances the presidential candidate with the most financial support usually wins the race. With the Illuminati’s faction of international bankers, it is not challenging to accumulate the resources needed to win the election for the candidate of their choosing. Along with their secret members, they need a base or assembly point to hold meetings and other rendezvous. It is speculated that this would likely be the Denver International Airport because of the long list of suspicious features. To begin with, the airport was built in 1994 by none other than the New World Airport Commission which immediately sent up the first red flag. The dedication stone supplies information like who built it, the date it was built, and contributors. Two of the contributors on the plaque are two leaders of the local Freemasons’ club and stamped on it is the ‘Mason’s logo. “Now as everyone is aware, the Masons are foot soldiers for the Illuminati, even if they are not overly keen about hiding away. But the stone’s not-so-subtle links to the Illuminati do not end there.” Once inside, one may quite a few huge and disturbing murals painted on the walls. The most famous and alarming one is titled “Children Of The World Dream Of Peace”. Despite its seemingly cheerful name, the mural depicts what looks like the end of the world and all

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