Illegal File Sharing And Copyrights

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There are two common types of Internet sharing. The first is online sharing, and is basically done by uploading files you have into a certain website, like “Mediafire”, and it would be available for free download directly from the website. The second is P2P sharing, which is a peer-to-peer sharing network that is established by P2P applications such as, “BitTorrent,” “UTorrent,” or “LimeWire”, which allows people who have the requested file link and share files from all over the world. These two methods are considered illegal, and violate files owners copyrights, because the files that are being shared are not provided for free by the original owner, which may lead into a decline of sales of the product. Moreover, in certain countries like the United States or the United Kingdom, any violation of copyrights could lead to a severe punishment by the government. These punishments may spread fear into some people and make them stop illegal sharing, which will to some extent make those people who are actually using these methods to download, will shift into legal purchasing. Furthermore,...

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