Igor Stravinsky Research Paper

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Contemporary Music Seminar
Assignment 2

Consider Stravinky’s use of Neo-Classicism in his compositions.

Kieran Parker
Class: AMUS3A
DKIT ID: D00150236
Tutor: Dr. Aisling Kenny

To consider the use of Neo-Classicism in Igor Stravinsky’s (1882 – 1971) works, one must take a look at how this particular genre encapsulated Stravinsky’s taste for the classical styling’s of J.S. Bach and others. One will discuss the important functioning of the builds in his writing such as the implementation of the traditional musical forms such as the fugue and the symphony among others. Reference will be made to specifically to his Octet For Winds (1923) and give a brief insight into his other Neo Classical compositions.

Neo-classism is a movement in 20th century music where the composers between the first and second world wars decided they’d had enough of the overindulgent, over expressive modal performance in compositions from the 19th century. Instead, they looked to the past for inspiration and hence the term neo-classism was created. The neo-classicists liked using forms and structures from the baroque and classical eras such as sonatas, concertos and symphonies and implemented them into neo-classical music.

Igor Stravinsky is known as one of the most renowned composers of the twentieth century. His life story is …show more content…

One can gather the clear departure from the overt and emotional compositions of the Romantic era, Stravinsky’s use of counterpoint, the condensed sense of orchestration, the relentlessness use of ostinato and an exploration of juxtaposed intervals in melodies and complex rhythms is revolutionary in standpoint. Although being very akin to the Classical period, especially for its inclusion of the sonata form, Stravinsky takes from the past the influences from Classical era artists Johann Sebastian Bach and even Renaissance and Venetian influences, and puts a modern twist on

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