Ignorance Vs Ignorance

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The Difference Between Ignorance and Innocence Often innocence is paired with ignorance, but there should be a divisible line between the two. Lacking knowledge on subjects that are erotic, inappropriate or unfavorable makes one innocent. It does not make them ignorant because they are still aware but choose not to speak about them. Ignorance can be the lack of knowledge on these matters as well, but has chosen to speak about them anyway. This is harmful because it can strip innocence away. Innocence does not equal ignorance, and being sheltered from the corruptions of society does not make one less aware of the world around them. People corrupted by experience portray ignorance if they are still oblivious to their surroundings. An ignorant person will continue to speak on matters they know nothing about with no interest of educating themselves first. Ignorance is characterized as the lack of knowledge, education, and awareness. Innocence is described as purity, the lack of corruption, worldly experience or sophistication. A blogger analyzed “Songs of Innocence” by William Blake. He brought a specific quote to attention, “to be innocent though, is not always to be ignorant of the facts that girls and boys get lost, or …show more content…

Things like Planned Parenthood and other controversial topics. Especially the recent presidential election, there are so many things that I do not agree with. I have to keep a level head and remember that ignorance cannot be fought with ignorance. When such topics are open for discussion I like to take action with logic and reason. This is not always true of my opponents, and being bombarded with a trail of ignorance makes it harder to continue my train of thought away from ignorance. It is easy to deny and refuse opinions different from our own, it is not easy to keep an open mind and achieve the level of understanding one needs to stray away from ignorance when the offense is ultimately

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