Ignorance In Plato's The Allegory Of The Cave

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Most people are comfortable in their ignorance. According to the short story “The Allegory of the Cave” by Plato, the willingness to enlighten comes from the things you learn and come to understand regardless the oppressive circumstances. When people are taught the way of one lifestyle they become conservative just to lose appreciation they could have for a new journey…. Everyone becomes scared of trying something new in their lives but forget that chance is okay and vital in moving forward in our everyday lifestyles. The only thing that is holding you back, is you.

The cave men only know of only one thing ignorance in not knowing of what reality is, or blatantly the truth of what makes the real world, real. Being confined is something that you can't let go or be let go of. These cavemen are not only being …show more content…

Given a chance to know his whole life was an illusion and there's more than what meets the eye made the caveman curious to know if the shadows are any different to the clearer picture. Like a person is never perfect a person is never always right. When a Teacher teaches their student their method could be true but not right because there is more than one way to teach it. Being one track minded hinders the ability for a person to learn and understand to excel. Enlightening others comes from being open minded and acknowledging there is more than one right being able to face yourself and allowing yourself to take chance and risks regardless the outcome. What meaning could there be if you don’t defeat your pride by stepping into uncharted waters and saying “I stumbled I fell but this is the best part that got me there”. Giving ethical stories that will last you a lifetime and enlighten others around you because your forged conclusion does not have a lid on it. We can chose not to believe but always understand both

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