Ignorance In 'And Asking For It'

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Ignorance is one of the roots of modern society’s greatest problems, such as greed and jealousy. Many pieces of writing centralize around this idea of ignorance. When an individual regards themselves as superior to another, they become oblivious due to their lack of knowledge. Their pride remains unaffected which results in a sense of arrogance. In Louise O’Neill’s novel Asking For It and Warsan Shire’s poem what they did yesterday afternoon the concepts of ignorance and arrogance are strongly tied together. Despite both authors utilization of central characters to display that the hopelessness of reality impacts an individual’s actions, the novel leaves the reader desolate, whereas the poem inspires hope and change. These perceptions are …show more content…

In O’Neill’s novel, Asking For It, the protagonist Emma O’Donovan’s oppressive history consequently severs her past connections. Her isolation results in a sense of hopelessness which is evident when she explains, “No one will talk to me” (O’Neill 148). People do not believe Emma when she claims she was unresponsive at the time of her offence. This past infraction casts a vast shadow upon her, leaving her secluded in her time of despair. Emma’s neglectance at school is mirrored by the lack of support she receives at home, which is exemplified when her brother states “‘I’ve never been so ashamed in my life’” (O’Neill 134). Emma is further enveloped into a state of defeat subsequently realizing that even her brother is not supportive. Upon viewing the page “Easy Emma” which revealed humiliating photos of her, the principal’s concern regarding Emma’s situation was notable, “‘The reason why I’m concerned is that in the photos you seemed to be unresponsive’” (O’Neill 151). Emma fails to admit to herself that the principal’s statement is valid and instead claims to have been asleep. “‘I just want to help you. I want to protect you Emma’” (O’Neill 165), the boy next door proclaims in an attempt to reach out to her. However, Emma views this kind act to have been motivated by pity and disregards it. Her state of denial and act of self-confinement is the cause of her hopelessness. …show more content…

In Louise O’Neill’s novel Asking For It and Warsan Shire’s poem what they did yesterday afternoon each character initiates with a challenge that inevitably leaves them hopeless. Both are ignorant which results in arrogance and as a result, negatively affects their mindsets. However, both characters relieve themselves of these traits by finding something to motivate them to move on, creating a desire to make a change. Although neither of them fix their problems the way they initially intended to, neither of them remain engulfed in their original state of defeat. They both realize something greater which allows them to move forward. The acknowledgment of one's issue along with the strength and the will to move forward is what will allow individuals to rid themselves of the chains that hold them

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