Igbo Religion In Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart

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Diverse from other African authors of his time, Chinua Achebe, the “father of African Literature”, reconstructions the stigma surrounding traditional African tribes through his ground-breaking novel Things Fall Apart. Set in southern eastern Nigeria, the novel depicts village life through the eyes of Igbo clan members prior to colonization. This fresh take on perspective allows readers to view and examine the variety of individuals that mold Igbo life through the story of a village leader, Okonkwo. Contrasting other authors of his time, Achebe takes great measures to illustrate the varied substantial roles of not only men, but women in his novel Things Fall Apart. The contributions accompanied by pivotal roles in Igbo society are displayed The Earth Goddess is known to occupy “a greater part in the life of the people than any other deity. She [is] the ultimate judge of morality and conduct. And what more, she [is] in close communion with the departed fathers of the clan whose bodies had been committed to earth (36).” At first glance, Igbo culture appears to render women to be inferior to men, however it associates its most powerful god as a woman. Rituals hold a significant role in Igbo culture and are deemed to be influential in the engagements of the clan. In addition, Ani’s role as a woman in Igbo society is further advanced through her essential role in the yam harvest. People of the Igbo village “honor [their] great goddess of the earth without whose blessing [their] crops will not grow (30).” Yam harvests hold a great worth to the people of Igbo culture since it dedicates status and wealth. Hence, relying on a female figure to establish a man’s position in his village is symbolic of the importance of a women’s role. The significance of portraying a spiritual character whom is imbedded in the morality of individuals and the future of crop growth as a woman urges readers to grasp the idea that women do possess a powerful role in Igbo

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