Identity: It's Effect On Your Personal Identity

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Identity is a clear idea of your own personal likes and dislikes that have been formed from a lifetime of experience. From when you’re little you start forming your own personal identity from things that have happened to you and the people that make these things happen. The way that you react to these experiences define who you are as a person. The events of your childhood can also have a great effect on your personal identity. Even if you have a fairly nondescript childhood little things that you used to do can have a great impact on how you view yourself. Whether it be a friend or family member who introduces you to something that later on defines you or just the way that people treat you as a child and adolescent the things that you …show more content…

Your daily routine is what forges your identity. I spent most of my free time in high school playing video games with my friends. This has led to me meeting a group of people who are similar to me that I have grown really close to. This is what identity if for. Finding other people like yourself. When you have an idea of what you like and what you enjoy doing you have an easier time meeting people that are similar or just have similar interests. And what people do in their free time. The things that you enjoy doing is what can have the biggest effect on a persons identity as theses are the things that you go out of way to …show more content…

To paraphrase Dan Harmon, people can have all sort of mental illnesses that make them do anything from eating dirt to thinking its a good idea to murder people but theres not a single person who brain is messed up in a way enjoys solitude or alienation. This is because humans are social animals that thrive on communication and sense of belonging. People need to have their own identity to be able to have that sense of belonging. The desire to have a sense of belonging informs most of the decisions that people my age make. Especially at college where people are in a situation where they don't know anyone. They go out of their way to foster a sense of belonging with new people. Peoples identity helps them find theses groups to belong to. When you know exactly what your interest are then it is easier to find other people who share similar interests or values to you. And the fact

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