Identifying an Organic Unknown

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Identifying an Organic Unknown Aim: In this investigation I will get a number of unknown organic compounds. Which i have to identify by using a number of different chemical and physical techniques. The only thing is known about the compound is that it contains one of the functional group: alcohol, aldehyde, ketone, carboxylic acid, phenol and ester. Therefore I devised a sequence of tests that would identify which one of the groups the sample contains. The flow chart below shows the chemical techniques, which I will use to identify the functional group of the unknown. 1: Test with universal indicator. [IMAGE] Turn red turn And other colour. 2: Test with bromine water 3: test with 2, 4 DNPH [IMAGE][IMAGE] [IMAGE][IMAGE] [IMAGE][IMAGE] Decolourises No orange/yellow No [IMAGE][IMAGE]Bromine water Change precipitate precipitate 4: Phenol carboxylic acid 5: Test with an acidified potassium dichromate

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