Ideal Life Essay

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The character of reputation gained from debt is a pivotal step to achieve the ideal life through the role debt plays in our economy. Everyone wishes to achieve different goals in their life. The goals help individuals reach a step closer to what they perceive as the ideal life. Therefore, an ideal life is not universally the same, but is centered on the individual. What is universal is a person’s reputation; whether it is good or bad, a reputation is the first and last effect you leave with a person. In life, a sound reputation is the meat so to say, of any social interaction especially business related. The best way to gain a satisfactory business reputation is through debt. Just as written in “How Credit-Card Debt Can Help the Poor” the action of paying off debt provides an objective look at a person’s level of responsibility (Dewan). While I agree that debt gives a sense of responsibility, however I believe the author overlooks that fact that most poor people are too poor to even be in debt. Thus, the circumstance leads to poor people having no grounds for reputation to make plans for the future such as college loans for their children. While this may seem as a contradiction of words, in order to receive a credit card one must make a substantial salary. For the consumer who does not they are seen by the banks and …show more content…

The idea that everyone’s ideal lives are the same is a farce. Individuals create different worlds for themselves to live in thus generating situations with different solutions. These solutions drive them to reach their own specific goals and dreams to attain the ideal life. As they accomplish these feats, their impression left behind to create a reputation of their character. For an everyday use, one of those impressions left behind by the ability to handle debt. It is impossible to live debt-free; most borrowers cannot pay cash for homes or their children 's college

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