Ariel Stotlettes: A Short Story

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There are people that we encounter in life that make us realize the truth of everything. They say things so mind boggling without two thoughts. Meanwhile that single thought keeps you awake at night and then the next day it'll happen again. I like to call them Experiencers. Ariel Stotlettes was my first and only encounter with an Experiencer.

"Wait, are we talking about drugs?" This was a perfect statement of Barbara Murray's IQ. "No, Barbara we're not talking about drugs." Ms. Clementine retorted. "Maybe if you listened more you would know that." Barbara ignored Ms. Clementine's second comment and decided bringing religion into it was the perfect answer, as she did most of the time. "Good, because God says that drugs are wrong." Barbara …show more content…

Can you tell me when he told you this?" Ariel's sarcasm was refreshing in this bullshit version of high school. It was like someone wrote down all the stereotypes of high school and then BAM! Cottington High School was born. I have a theory that someone copied and pasted all of the High School Musical characters and dumped them in this pretentious hell hole. Except we were not all in this together. "What are you trying to say?" Barbara said back. "That drugs really aren't bad because it says they are in the bible." Is it possible to feel pity for someone's intelligence, yet want to murder them at the same time?
"Barbara, before we continue on in this discussion may I just say that your precise quotations are far beyond any I've ever seen?" Ariel said. I could already tell that this was going to be good. I sat up straighter in my chair and paused the day dreams for a moment. "I don't know what you're getting at but it does say that in the bible. My dad told me so." Barbara …show more content…

She was dressed as usual; ripped jeans, flannel, some shirt with a quote, and Dr. Martins. Her Auburn hair was in a bun. "Were you spying on me?" She asked with a scowl. "I uh, no I, uh not rea-" I stammered at her confrontation. "Maybe you should invest in a dictionary to expand your vocabulary." Ariel said. "Anyway, if you were spying I don't mind. Curiosity is the sign of a good philosopher." She smiled at me when she said this and it was surprisingly nice. I had forgotten how long it had been since someone at this school was decent to me. Hell, most of the people at this school didn't even acknowledge my existence. "So, my name's Ariel. What's

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