I think that although the First Love and When We Two Parted are

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I think that although the First Love and When We Two Parted are different due to the fact that one focuses on love and the other on loss. The difference in language of the two poems is tied up with the theme Explore the Themes of love and Loss in Two Poems studied, Showing How the Poets Have Used Language and Form to Express Their Ideas. ‘First Love’ written by John Clare (1793-1864), who was a romantic poet, used verse in this poem, as a way of articulating the feelings he felt the first time that he fell in love. In the poem, he reminisces about a previous failed romance which was his first love, and illustrates in length, the emotions experienced. ‘When We Two Parted’, written by Lord Byron, however, takes a different approach to the way that a love poem is usually written. The poet uses a quarrelsome style, in which he often uses verse to attack his enemies. This surfaces in ‘When We Two Parted’, as he emphasises the betrayal felt by a woman he loved. In this poem, the theme that runs throughout is loss of a love, rather than actually being in love. Lord Byron explores the link between love and loss, by directing the poem at an ex-lover. The title ‘First Love’ sums up the whole poem into two words. The poet was struck motionless by this sudden burst of affection. The poem does not link a chain of events, but instead is used so that the poet can put into words what is going on inside his mind, and to his body, ”And then my blood rushed to my face“. He recounts how his feelings affected him physically, as he blushed. This explanation of physical movement works with the description of emotional feelings to build up the image to the reader, and involve them in the poem to keep them intereste... ... middle of paper ... ...s tone is unusual, and therefore interesting, because it is nature to be curious of the unknown and interested in the new. At the end of ‘First Love’ there is a disruption to the rhythm and harmony mimicking the change in the physical and emotional state of the writer. The two poems overall have quite a similar form, although they put across different viewpoints. They also use different ways of verbalising their point of view, such as alliteration and similes. Both poems are very affective in catching the reader’s attention and interesting them. I think that although the ‘First Love’ and ‘When We Two Parted’ are different due to the fact that one focuses on love and the other on loss. The difference in language of the two poems is tied up with the theme, simple and traditional words, used in a different tone and for different purposes for the two poems.

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