I Want To Pursue My Bachelor's Degree

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Colorado Christian University feels like the right choice for me to pursue my bachelor’s degree in nursing. I have been a registered nurse since 2004 and have been working in the field ever since. I had my daughter at age 19. While in the hospital, I was intrigued by the nursing staff. That was the point in time that I became interested in becoming a nurse. I never gave much effort in high school, so attending college was a scary thought for me. I doubted myself, and therefore it took me several years to apply to and attend Front Range Community College. I have had thoughts of continuing my education in the past, but again, the fear of re-entering school has held me back. I didn’t think I could do it, and be working full time. I recently lost my nursing job that I have had …show more content…

It was amazing to travel to another country to volunteer and help people. We also went to Mexico when I was 23 and we volunteered for the organization called The Children of the Dump. We helped with construction of a school that was just near a landfill that people lived off of. Both trips were life changing but they happened before I became a nurse. Getting my bachelor’s degree could help better qualify me to go on more mission trips. The RN to BSN program at Colorado Christian University appeals to me because the classes are all on-line, yet the personal support and care from the professors are accessible which is very important to me. My good friend and former college, Jennifer Thorpe, has encouraged me to join her on the journey from RN to BSN. I think it will be really beneficial to us to have each other’s support through the process. I look forward to studying with her and reviewing papers with her if I get accepted. Please, consider my application and I look forward to hearing from you

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