I Want To Pursue My Academic Accomplishments

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Getting accepted into the University Honors Program would be one of the substantial academic achievements of my life. I believe to achieve success, education is paramount. This program at Colorado State University is exactly what I would be looking for to achieve my academic goals.
From kindergarten to high school, my education has been the most important aspect of my life. My whole high school career, I have pushed myself to maintain a high grade point average on top of being an active member in my community, and in clubs and sports provided at my school. I have always put all of my effort into every class I have taken. Achieving high grades has always been a top priority for me in school. Achieving high grades has driven me to work hard. Studying for exams, completing all my homework assignments to the best of my ability, and asking my teachers and professors for help on class material are examples of how I accomplished my academic goals. To me, it is an incomparable feeling when the outcome of a course matches my tenacity. Of course, I have had a few outcomes in classes that did not satisfy me, but I have always been satisfied with my effort that I put into school. My grit and determination in high school is what has driven me to succeed. …show more content…

I am not apprehensive to dive in and try unfamiliar things. After all, that is what makes us develop into unique personalities. During the time I have been active in sports, clubs, organizations, and I have volunteered many times in my community. Of course, my academics are important, but the life lessons and experiences that I have gained outside of the classroom has benefited me immensely. I am used to having many extracurricular activities while having a strenuous academic calendar. I have learned to prioritize my time adequately to complete all of my tasks and

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