I Stand Here Ironing

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I stand here ironing I Stand Here Ironing lies in its fusion of motherhood as both metaphor and experience: it shows us motherhood bared, stripped of romantic distortion, and reins fused with the power of genuine metaphorical insight into the problems of selfhood in the modern world. ironing is a metaphor for "the ups and downs, back and forth of pressing pressures to make ends meet and a determination to pass through life's horrors and difficulties by keeping the mind intact and focusing on the beauty and blessings that [lie amidst] the dark times"? So the ironing is like a drug, to keep the mother calm and sedated. The story seems at first to be a simple meditation of a mother reconstructing her daughter's past in an attempt to explain present behavior. In its pretense of silent dialogue in the beginning of the story, a mental occupation to accompany the physical occupation of ironing, it creates the impression of literal transcription of a mother's thought processes in the isolation of performing household tasks: "I stand here ironing, and what you asked me moves tormented back and forth with the iron." As we read the story we are drawn through a knowledge of the present reality and into participation in the narrative process of reconstructing and visualizing the past. " She is, in other words, setting out to assess her own responsibility, her own failure, and finally her need to reaffirm her own independence as a separate human being who cannot be defined solely through her parental role. As she rethinks the past, she frames her perceptions through such interjections as "I did not know then what I know now" and "What in me demanded that goodness in her?" But throughout, she is assessing the larger pattern of inter... ... middle of paper ... ...her will bloom…” says the mother. She begins to ‘come in to her own’ near the end of the story. Emily suffers from first child syndrome. She has learned from her mistakes and treats her children with love, not the “anxious, not proud, love” she gave Emily . This internal conflict spurs from her relationship with Emily. She followed everyone else’s advice, but not her own feelings. True, parenting can be a difficult job in the beginning, but having a child should be an instant obligation to parents. If you show children affection, they will tend to be happy throughout their life. Parenting is basically like a project that one should want to succeed with by molding their child into someone positive. They’ll be the one held accountable for the actions or attitude of the child when they become older. As one grows up they will pick up their traits from their parents.

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