I-Search Narrative

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I-Search Narrative

At the tender age of two I moved from a development in the town of Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania to the vast stretches of farmland that make up the area between Mechanicsburg and the neighboring town of Dillsburg. It was not a big move distance-wise, but it would forever change my life. If I would have stayed where I was I would have went to a different high school, had a different set of friends, and who knows where I would be today. While I did not know it at the time, (I was only two, cut me some slack.) my family and I moved within earshot of one of the most prestigious dirt tracks in the country. Each and every Friday night from early spring to late autumn thousands of people congregate at this track surrounded by farmland. The name of this track is Williams Grove Speedway, and it has been the focus of many questions for me throughout my short life. Why do all these people flock to the middle of nowhere every Friday night? What exactly is going on there that makes enough noise to be heard miles away? What exactly is the attraction of this place so affectionately called “The Grove”? Do I want to join the masses?

Although I have lived in what I now know is called Monroe Township for sixteen years of my life I have never attended a race at the Grove. I thought that this paper would be a golden opportunity to answer some of the questions I have raised in the previous paragraph. Although I have those questions, I do know a little bit about Williams Grove and what goes on there. Williams Grove Speedway is a dirt race track where on Friday nights from spring to fall sprint cars race. These sprint cars are a type of race car with a wing on top of the body and different sized tires. They make a ton of noise an...

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...rint car tracks all around the country and it is truly a rural phenomenon. I feel that now I better understand the sport and what all is involved, I can finally appreciate sprint car racing for what it is. Through all of this research my interest has grown to heights that were before unimaginable. I cannot wait until springtime so I can head down to the track and take in my first sprint car racing experience. I know it will be a great experience that will help me better connect with my friends and become more in tune with my community

Works Cited

1. "2004 410 Sprint Car Specs." www.williamsgrove.com

2. Berkheimer, Chase. Personal Interview. 19 Nov. 2004.

3. C, Rich. "Tech Article- Sprint Car 101." http://www.scrafan.com/column/rich/rich01.html

4. Holland, Allan. "National Dirt Late Model News." 29 Oct. 2004. http://www.hoseheads.com/dirtlatemodel.html

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