I Love Dance Research Paper

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I have a dire need to be challenged. If I do not have a goal to strive towards, I do not feel complete. My favorite days are those where I leave the dance studio with sweat coated skin, bruised knees, and a surge of adrenaline from pushing myself to the best I could be. Some might call this a form of masochism, but I call it commitment. It is not so much the pain, but rather the loyalty to dance that has captivated me for the last fifteen years. Part of the reason I love dance is due to the fact that it requires your full undivided attention. There are a myriad of technique and performance aspects to think about everytime I dance, so it is impossible to think about anything else. When my left arm touches the chill of the ebony metal barre at the start of class, everything else in my life goes away and for the next hour and a half, my attention is devoted solely to dance. This intense relationship with dance is also incredibly rewarding. The more I invest in my dancing the greater the return. Watching myself improve and progress as a dancer is one of the most satisfying feelings in the world. …show more content…

As I mature, my worldview continues to develop and alter the quality of my art. If I were to only focus on technique alone, I would be lacking the core essence of dance in the first place. Dance without passion is not dance at all; it is simply movement. In order to dance, I must communicate a message to the audience and not just myself. When I first enrolled in dance classes at four years old, I had no idea what kind of impact it would make on my life, how it would affect people, or what my intentions would be when took the stage. I only knew of the pure joy my spirit felt when I skipped and leaped across wooden floors in a small rural dance studio. Today, as a performer and artist, it is my duty to share that joy with the audience as

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