I Have A Dream Worth It

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Without dreams, we would have nothing. Without dreams, we would be living in an archaic world. Without dreams, there would be no America. If you think about it, someone’s dream is at the root of everything we know today. Throughout the course of the dream unit, I have researched articles, videos, quotes, and speeches, and have been amazed at what is possible when you dare to dream a little. While you can forget to live in the moment if your dream overwhelms you, it is worth it to dream because it gives you a reason to live and a goal to reach for, it inspires other people, and it makes the world a better place. I believe it is worth it to dream because dreaming gives you a reason to live and a goal to reach for. This is shown in a section …show more content…

One prime example of this is Martin Luther’s I Have a Dream speech. In it, he famously says, ‘I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal.”’ He also goes on to say, “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” This speech shows that dreams inspire other people because it gave African Americans living in that time period hope and rallied people to a common cause. Also, Martin Luther King Jr.’s speech is still quoted today, and he has a national holiday because his dream inspired so many people. We can also see how dreams inspire other people in a video about Jason McElwain. Jason McElwain is an autistic high schooler who dreamed of playing basketball. He worked so hard for a slim chance to play in a varsity basketball game, and when he finally got to, he was the high scorer at 20 points. The video focuses on the fact that a family with an autistic son sent Jason a card talking about how his performance inspired them to have new hope for their son. A third piece of evidence is the book Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck. In the book, Lennie and George have a dream of buying their own plot of land and living freely. When they talk to Crooks and Candy, they inspire them to hop on the bandwagon. Crooks and Candy gain new hope for a better life from George’s and Lennie’s dream. These three pieces of evidence show the common thread of people’s dreams inspiring others, which supports the argument that it is worth it to

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