I Can Read With My Eyes Shut !

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" The more that you read ,the more things you will know. The more that I learn, the more places you'll go" Dr. Seuss wrote this in his book I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!. I found this to be very true in my life and most others who take comfort in grabbing a book and getting lost in it's pages.There is a book club here at COS in it's very first year. You may have not have heard of it yet, but it goes by the name of The Giant Book Club. It's a purpose is to inspire students to read and discuss literary works. It is a atmosphere where it encourages educational,professional and personal growth.

Books are a medium of escape for me, I am a dreamer by nature. Getting lost in my head is a natural thing for me. When I find that when life gets crazy and stressful I need to escape to a quiet place. Most times That place is in a book.For me reading a book for entertainment is a intimate action. There have been too many times that when i start a book I can't put it down because the emotional and physiological investment that his put into the story. …show more content…

For a bit of time the world fades away and the story plays out in your mind. I am way more involved in reading than watching a show or movie. Don't get me wrong I love watching them, it's just I don't feel the same gratification I get in reading a book. The movie plays out no matter what,you can be on the phone and get the jiff of the movie. With a book you have to put the work in. The act of reading a book to it's end is very satisfying. What is even better is discussing the ideas of the book with those who have read

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