I Am The Messenger

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I Am the Messenger, Stranger Than Fiction, Mark’s Gospel each respectively, had a unique plot line in which the author or the reader was invited into the one another’s world. In I Am the Messenger, during the final chapters of the book Zusak inserts himself into the novel, and introduces himself as the person that created everything; Ed, the cards, the robbery, etc. Zusak inserts himself into the story for an explicit purpose, which he makes apparent on page 353. “The man with the folder” says “And if a guy like you can stand up and do what you did for all those people, well, maybe everyone can…maybe even I can” (353 Zusak). Ed was the epitome of ordinariness and had no ambition or aspirations but then Zusak gave Ed a purpose, with the cards. …show more content…

Harold does the exact same thing every single day, to the point where he counts toothbrush strokes and steps to the bus stop. Harold was perfectly content with his life, and how he was living it. He was a “successful” IRS agent, who seemed to have no qualms with his life. Until he becomes the main character is an author’s book and he hears he voice narrating his life. The turning point for Harold is when he hears the voice say that his death is imminent. At that moment Harold life changes, and that is when he begins to be saved. By illuminating the idea that his death was looming, Harold began to do things that he never done before. He was figuratively saved from his mundane life and literally saved from a bus. He made connections with people outside of work and he began to appreciate things beside the sound that the folders made when he filed …show more content…

In I Am the Messenger, the message to the reader is that everyone has a purpose, you just have to find it. Ed Kennedy was a nobody and he, himself, admitted that he had no purpose. However, he proved himself wrong, and showed that everyone can have a purpose and everyone can do something good for someone else. No matter what the circumstances a person can always have a positive influence during their lifetime. From Stranger Than Fiction, the message that could be taken from that is to live your life every day like it could be your last. As cliché as that may be, it really applies to this story and too life. It took Harold the idea of dying before he actually began to do things for himself, and to make himself happy. It shouldn’t take a situation like that to force people to make themselves a priority and to begin to do things for themselves. Do something every day that is for you, don’t wait until you don’t have time or are too to do the things you’ve always wanted. Lastly, from The Gospel of Mark, the message is that you will be rewarded for your good deeds. Jesus received the ultimate reward and was resurrected. However, if you do good things throughout your time and care for others, you will be rewarded as well. Good things happen to people that do good things, in the long term and the short

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