I Am Malal Women's Rights Of Women

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Women in this country are fortunate to live in the United States, because they have better opportunities and equalities in life just like men do. However, women have the educational opportunities to become lawyers, doctors, and many more extensive career opportunities in the USA. Swat Valley in Pakistan, was a beautiful place full of mountains, waterfalls, crystal lakes and was surrounded by tourists before Maulana Fazlullah, leader of Taliban army, twenty eight year old, brought chaos to Swat Valley. The Taliban army made a huge impact in Swat Valley geographically and with women’s rights because they introduced feared in this community, but mainly to women. The Taliban prohibited music, TV, Radio, and later would go house by house to check …show more content…

Malala, an activist warrior, tell her autobiography how she fought for her and women’s rights to have an education in her country. Ziauddin, Malala’s father, an activist who believe everybody should have an education also helps his daughter to fight and speak out against the Taliban for women’s rights. Malala illustrates how the Taliban would punished those who spoke against them, but also women that would break the rules. Malala would describe how she would fear for her own life, yet later her father helped her out change her views towards death. In October 9, 2012 Malala was shot three times in the head by a Taliban man, while she was in the bus coming back from a field trip. The news of Malala being shot notified the whole wide world; therefore, social media made her famous and with the help of doctors in England and prayers of people helped Malala survived the tragedy she was going through. Even though Malala was shot, she saw it as second chance in life to achieved the rights of women’s education in her country. Education is an important tool to fight against terrorism because if people are not educated well they tend to go for what they hear than what they learn. For this reason, education helps in fighting terrorism because well educated people learn how to stop any group from …show more content…

An uneducated person like Maulana created tragic events to mark people around the world and created a riot towards women in Pakistan. To demonstrate, “He’s actually a high school dropout whose real name isn’t even Fazlullah” (114) Malala father stated. An ignorant person who does not have an open mind would do more damage than a person with knowledge because is easier to dehumanized people than to accept the changes. Malala talk about how in the Quran the things that Fazlullah would say were not true for instance, “ I was confused by Fazlullah’s words, In the Holy Quran it is not written that men should go outside and women should work all day in the home” (116). Fazlullah would lie to the people and he knew most of the people in Pakistan were not well educated just like him to understand and read. Education is a huge role because it opens people’s mind but also people are not fooled easily to believe people like Fazlullah, Just like in today’s era we have people like Donald Trump, the attackers of San Bernardino, and many more who do not have enough knowledge but they tend to know how to persuasive uneducated people to believe on their words or do damage to people around the

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