Hysterectomy Case Study

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Health History Patient’s name: B.C Age: 38 Gender: Female Ethnicity: African American Weight: 137 Height: 5 ft. 5 in Surgical History: Three C-sections. Cholecystectomy. Past medical history: History of chronic cervical infections, menorrhagia, long term oral contraceptive use. Current medical history: Unexplained weight loss and dizziness. Social history: She is married with 3 children in all. She does not drink but she used to smoke 1 pack of cigarettes a day. She stopped smoking 3 years ago. Chief complaint: Bleeding of the Vagina, chronic fatigue and severe pelvic pain. History of present illness on admission: Mrs. B.C. is a 38-year-old, African America female that has a past medical history of chronic cervical infections and menorrhagia. Upon admission she complained of dull pain …show more content…

Abnormal ranges are used to detect many different disorders. Collaborative Management In the early stage of cervical cancer treatments consist of surgery or radiation with a combination of chemo. Since the pt. already have three children she has decided to undergo a simple hysterectomy. A simple hysterectomy involves surgical removal of the uterus, including the cervix and a small amount of the surrounding normal tissue (Cancer Research). Approximately 95% of people diagnosed with stage I cervical cancer survive without the cancer recurring after surgery. The other 5% of patients will experience recurrence of the cancer (Texas oncology). The management of care and treatment for Mrs. B.C. may require the involvement of a gynecologic oncologist to treat the cancer and manage it. A social worker to provide counseling and help the pt. determine the right health care services. And a pharmacist to help manage the required medications. Nursing Management Physiological Nursing Diagnosis: Acute pain related to surgical procedure as evidence by, pt. stating pain level is 7 out of 10, and pt. grimacing with

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