Hurricanes: Natural Disasters

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Hurricanes are one of the deadliest and most expensive natural disasters around. In the hurricane the mixture of the water and winds can be extremely damaging. The winds are extremely dangerous and usually don’t go faster than about 75 miles per hour, but have been documented to go as fast as 85 miles per hour. Due to the fact that hurricanes need water to survive, they cannot go too far on land, but that does not stop them from causing billions of dollars in damages. Hurricanes are so dangerous that they were listed number 1 on the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Hazard and Disasters list. Picture this, you are sitting on your front porch drinking some coffee and reading today’s newspaper and you look out to the street which
It is a struggle to breathe between the rapid rain and the violent waters which are attempting to pull you under, forever. Your house no longer exists, it is broken down from the pounding waters and fast winds. That is exactly what it would be like if you were in the midst of a hurricane. After hurricanes are over the confusion is crazy, children who had loving families are now orphaned, people become homeless, and people miss certain joys such as walking due to becoming paralyzed. This is exactly why hurricanes are looked at as an extremely serious natural disaster. With the extraordinary speed and agility of the hurricane they cannot be stopped by man. In the face of a hurricane the only thing that people can do is run. Hurricanes only stop when the weather conditions change, and if the weather does not change one single hurricane can go on for months ruining more and more property and killing more and more people. This might be one of the things that make the hurricane seem so fearful to most in the face of it there is nothing that you can do except hope and evacuate. Hurricanes are extremely dangerous and should be looked at as such, the amount of damage that they can do is
Hurricanes require the upwelling of warm and moist air for them to keep on going A tropical storm is considered a hurricane when its winds are greater than 74 miles per hour. Hurricanes only occur in the summer months when the water temperature is above 79 degrees Fahrenheit. The lifespan of a hurricane can last about two weeks while traveling over an ocean, and can generate enough energy to travel along the whole Atlantic coast. A hurricane comes to an end when high wind speeds tear the hurricane apart or when there is no longer enough warm moisture to keep it intact. This happens when a hurricane travels over cooler waters or over land masses. Although a hurricane is coming to its end, though, it can still be rejuvenated if it moves to a region that has the warm moisture it needs to survive, or if it joins another storm system. Of all of nature’s forces that exist hurricanes could be considered one of the most powerful of all these forces that can cause tremendous amounts of destruction is such a little amount of time. A hurricane is a powerful whirling storm of winds that measure 200-300 miles in diameter. Hurricanes are an area of low pressure that forms over the oceans in tropical regions in either the North Atlantic Ocean or eastern North Pacific

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