Hunger Games Vs Lottery Research Paper

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The Hunger Games and lottery share the same purpose or function, even though on the surface they might seem very distinct from another. The Hunger Games features a woman named Katniss who becomes the protagonist of the plot. Katniss is a person like the others to happens to be dragged into The Hunger Games by a process known as reaping. In the Lottery by Shirley Jackson, we are introduced to a society with an arcane dark tradition known as the Lottery. This is when a person is subjugated to death by a card that contains a black dot. Both these pieces of literature share arcane like traditions that should not exist in the modern world. Both of these works of literature have no sympathy for those that are chosen. The thing the is unconventional from these two …show more content…

In The Lottery, once you have received the black dot then that means there is no way to escape the fate of death. In The Hunger Games once he or she has been chosen by the reaping process there is still a chance for redemption because the champion of the battle will be given a chance to live once more. This is something that was lacking from the Lottery, instead of giving the participant a chance for survival he or she will face death no matter what. Overall This is the only difference that occurs in both texts.
In conclusion, we can posit that both pieces of literature are very similar. We can also concur that the author of The Hunger Games received inspiration from Shirley Jacksons the Lottery. We can analyze the historical context of the lottery because it was written during the crisis of World War 2 where the Germans dehumanized the Jews that lived there. Overall both texts show a ritual or tradition that should no longer be accepted in society. The underlying theme in both texts is to not flow blindly for what is perceived to be true, instead, verify it with your own morals and beliefs.

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