Humorous Wedding Speeches

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Our sweetest songs are those of saddest thought. I hear the gentle laughter from my sister, I see the love radiating from my mom, and I feel the pride that my dad has for me. I’m surrounded by my favorite people. My parents, simple people with faint wrinkles and grey hair peppered within the darkness; they give me smiles that I can see are hinted with sadness. I feel each gaze that falls on me everytime my sister, the spunky redhead who’s always the life of the party, doesn’t think that I’m paying attention. Everything. I feel, I know, I see everything. This is supposed to be a happy dinner where we are supposed to enjoy the ice cold lemonade and a big plate of cheese fries. It’s supposed to be a farewell to me because tomorrow, I go into the …show more content…

Ultimately, everything has helped me become a better person despite not realizing it at the moment. I’ve learned how to balance school and my personal life so that I can get the most out of college. I’ve especially learned how to effectively manage money, because let’s face it: we’re all broke. I’ve also learned how to maintain relationships with my family, who I’m really close with. It was extremely hard at first, don’t get me wrong. But I definitely learned how to adjust to this giant change in life away from the people that I love. I’ve also learned how to call Appalachian State University, my …show more content…

You don’t know just how many times I’ve seen people go back to their hometown every single chance that they get. I’ve seen so many people not be a part of the real college experience all because they are too scared or too stuck to do anything else. These people never go to a real college game, they don’t participate in ‘traditions,’ and they especially don’t develop real bonds with people that they can call friends. The thing is, these people don’t grow, they don’t change, and they become stuck in this weird stagnant place that turns them into someone who is never going to flourish into the person that they are intended to become. They don’t move on. Don’t be like

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