Humorous Wedding Speech By A Manager

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Good day everyone,

I wanted to send this email earlier but I got swamped with work and adjusting to my new schedule. I wanted to use this as an opportunity to thank you all for making my co-op (internship) experience a wonderful one. Thank you for teaching me, discussing with me, inviting me out, encouraging me and advising me. You all were wonderful and were immense sources of encouragement and inspiration to me. It was great to see people people in my prospective field, working and laughing together. Being a part of the IT department truly felt like being part of a family. I want to specially thank:

Mr Abraham for your kind words of encouragement and advice and for teaching me about good management practices not just with your words but also your actions.

Mr Niyi also for all your advice and the time spent talking with and sharing information with me.

Mr Ayo for being a great boss. Thank you for giving me a chance to be part of your team and assigning me projects that helped to broaden and challenge my skills. I also want to thank you for the various discussions we had and for sharing your vast knowledge on different topics with me. I really learned a lot about critical …show more content…

It was really encouraging to see someone who has achieved a lot of what I want to achieve going down a really similar track. Thank you for teaching me about so many things both in the realm of developing and beyond. I really appreciated the stimulating conversations we had about various issues and situations. Thank you for the resources you shared with me and the various avenues that you exposed me to. I especially want to thank you for pushing me further every time. Whenever I thought I had done something, you always found a way to encourage me to look deeper and go further with my projects. Working with you helped me grow so much as a developer and I'm really glad I got opportunity to do

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