Humorous Wedding Speech: A Eulogy For Mom And Dad

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Dearest Mom and Dad, Hello! Good Morning! Welcome to this stage of your child’s life where parents are longing for—college commencement. Because that’s the day that parents can be free or in my case “somehow” free??? Regardless of having your freedom or not, we already have our freedom by living in the United States of America. . . (pun intended).  You all are here today to witness another huge milestone that the Lord’s Grace and Mercy has brought me to, at this moment, at this hour, minutes, and seconds. The Lord first chose Mom to be my Mom, later came you, to be my Dad. So, I believed that no matter where the sail may set after graduation, it will always be in His perfect timing that all things will work together in completeness. Mommy, You are probably one of the proudest person in the entire family, but you would not say it (Asian Moms does that). So, thank you for giving …show more content…

Moreover, a groups and Aunts and Uncles that truly demonstrated that you are a trustworthy person to hang on to since I was 15 years old. I admire the way you live your life by being an example and that I can have your word. I strive to do so in my daily life. I know you always say that the good Lord provide, but you ought to take some credits for it. The good Lord may provide, but you still could choose to not do so. Thank you for fighting for me and thank you for still being my financer (I promised this is short-term, until I finished my dream level of schooling. . . hahaha). At this point, I assumed tears, so STOP, don’t ruin mom’s makeup and I am not with y’all now (no worries for mine). Finally, I dedicate this degree and this whole commencement ceremony today to the both of you. Without the both you, I wouldn’t be here today. Once again, thank you and I LOVE YOU!!! Enjoy the

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