Humorous Wedding Poem

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i can think of nothing else to feel such a smile. to overcome my world. aah, the splendor of this new life. so rich, so incredible, so true. eager, together we embrace this contagious enchantment. joy and bliss, natural and warm, scintillating, sparkling, defining. together as body and spirit, inhaling the grace of a pristine dawn, as slivers of early sun perforate the night, inexorable strength of one united spirit summons the rising as warmth finds affection's pathway and lengthens each stride. this sojourn nourished with discernment, new found faith and love. celestial hands bless our worthy pursuit, ethereal grace tarries at our feet. glorious destiny beckons. deepening luster enriches who we and who we are becoming. feeling blessed with …show more content…

must be a language of touch, pure symbols of thot, inscribed on my heartstrings for your pleasure, where origins of noise or overture of sight tingle each resonant sense. shrill intonations liberate reverberations previously inaudible. tucked away sound, fragrance, touch, await extra sensory enlightenment. sometimes a palpation, a fleeting glimpse, chased, to be lost in a vapor of apparition. worthy of the pursuit, not willing to relinquish, i search, listen, ponder phrases unsung. finally, you, my love, you are the foundation of such love, i find myself in awe, and await a hush and a wondrous the beautiful union of the two that have surpassed the needs of the …show more content…

this kiss, our first kiss, the lips that met, the splicing of time, the union. enchantment: elevating a first blessed kiss, lips wet to bring relief to a drought of touch. the sweetness as lips find the other. a kiss to stir distant memories of another time. this time to heal and give respite. euphoria: a place of dreams with no limits. the freedom of your hair tussling through my face leaving your fragrance, allowing us to soar in zealous warmth. pleasure: to release passion to each sensory receptor begging release. seeing eternity with the joining of blue eyes together again in the shade of an evening of sublime anticipation. elation: racing hearts to reflect moments of toes wrestling to keep pace as the combined breath of lovers rise to find a universe lined with fulfillment. bliss: to realize what we have always known. love is for the lovers. love is blessed with lovers without judgement, without expectation. love is for finding the amazement of the other and with a sigh, slip into the beauty of the

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