Humans Damaging the Environment

887 Words2 Pages

Humans Damaging the Environment We, humanity, have a remarkable ability to define the world in terms

of human needs and perceptions. However, we forget about 'Mother

Nature's' urgency to maintain a balance, purity and the need for time

to replenish the resources we extract so quickly. Throughout history,

humanity has implemented much new technology with an uncertainty of

its effect on the environment. Today we are beginning to feel the

repercussions of these developments on the environment. However, the

worst is yet to come. At this time we have not felt all the damage

that will come from our inventions, nonetheless we continue to further

pollute and destroy our world. Society has now been educated and shown

greater concern to conserve our ecosystem, but it will take much time

before we see results from our work, and that is, if it is not to


In twenty-five years to come, Earth may be well on its way to

recovery. As a greater amount of society begins to understand the need

for conservation, there should be more action taken to support it.

Furthermore, individual households may become more energy efficient,

as well the consumers may begin to apply more pressure onto large

corporations to conduct more environmentally friendly business.

"Science and technology will continue to advance, with the result that

new resources will be developed to take the place of resources that

are depleted" (Clark & Wallace p. 41). This quotation, taken from the

Cornucopian Thesis, suggests that our current rate of resource

extraction is not to be worried about, as new ones will soon be...

... middle of paper ... the costs and negative consequences of new technologies

(Suzuki, 88)".

This is a colossal reaction to the way we live, one which we cannot

afford. This trend of lifestyle will continue throughout the next

twenty-five years, leaving our environment even more damaged then it

already is.

In order to ensure quality life in the future, we must relax our

demands and effect on the Earth. Humanity has already stretched the

environment's limits far enough in order to fill their needs and

wants. As science, technology and population increase so must our

awareness of the environment. The Earth must be healthy in order to

provide us with the essential needs we require. In twenty-five years

from now the environment' s damage may be matched to today's, however

if we don't begin to clean up now, the damage may be colossal.

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