Human Weaknesses In Lord Of The Flies

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In life, humans pass by many different enemies, but the reality is humans are each other's greatest enemies due to human weaknesses that manipulate them. This is very well demonstrated through the novel, “Lord of the flies”, by Sir William Golding. The book focuses on a group of British students that are stuck on island after a plane crash. Throughout their survival on the island, many temptations come in effect. The group of boys are trying to survive together but are manipulated by the temptations that turn into human weaknesses. So, in the novel it is proven that humans become each other's greatest enemies because of human weaknesses. It will be shown by describing the many weaknesses and temptations that are in effect during the novel. …show more content…

Betrayal is a human weakness because humans all want different things, and sometimes without knowing it on the path to getting what you want you betray the people around you by wanting something else than them. Once, you betray someone it tends to create enemies. It is very well demonstrated in this novel. Being stuck on island for many months can bring out your true colours. Jack is the oldest of the group, has dark red hair and he is the story's antagonist. With time, Jack starts changing his true colours are coming out. He is becoming more aggressive with others and is developing a darker side of him. The boys know that they need to stick together to survive on the island, but Jack thinks otherwise and he betrays the group of boys to start his own group. Those actions creates a rivalry between Jack and Ralph who is the other group leader on the island that most of the boys like. They consider each other as enemies which all comes back to humans being each other's greatest enemies. In the following quote you can see Jack trying to become the chief in the group which leads to betrayal,”A chief! A chief!” I ought to be chief” said Jack with simple arrogance. (Golding 18) In that quote,you can really see how he wants to lead and once they pick Ralph as leader he decides to betray the group. The fact that he creates his own group will create many conflicts on the island that will lead to many different

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