Human Trafficking Essay

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What is human smuggling and human trafficking? Human smuggling is a facilitation, transportation, attempted transportation or illegal entry of a person or persons across an international border, in violation of one or more countries laws, either clandestinely or through deception, such as the use of fraudulent documents while human trafficking is the illegal movement of people, typically for the purpose of forced labor or commercial sexual exploitation. They both sound the same in terms of illegal transportation of a person or persons, however, they’re both different. People who are smuggled wants to be smuggled for whatever reason they have. They have a choice, however people who are being trafficked are forced into it. They’re victim’s …show more content…

Human smuggling may be conducted to obtain financial or other benefits for the smuggler, although sometimes people smuggle others to reunite their families. Trafficking is like a modern day form of slavery, which involves the exploitation of unwilling people through force. Trafficking is often undertaken for purposes of sexual exploitation or labor exploitation. Through maps and graphs, statistics show human trafficking countries of origin and destination and human trafficking into the U.S. Forty-six percent of human trafficking in the U.S is prostitution, twenty-seven percent is domestic servitude, ten percent is agriculture, and eight percent is miscellaneous. The other percent are factories and hospitality. International sex trafficking is most active within their own countries. Due to other factors, government is passing laws to address the smuggling and trafficking issue creating effective laws to stop the …show more content…

The victim name is Karla Jacinto. She was lured from poverty in Mexico by a man who befriended her with sweets and a story and she spent four years being forced to have sex thirty times a day. Karla was locked from her house one night because she came home late, so her so her “boyfriend” convinced her to leave with him. She says her boyfriend would leave her by herself for a week in their apartment and his cousins would show up with new girls every week. As she was in the apartment, Karla mustered up the courage to ask what business they were in and he told her the truth. “They’re pimps.” The pimps told her how much to charge, positions she needed to do, and how to treat and talk to her clients so she can get money. By what Karla recalls, for four years, she was raped a total of 43,200 times. Karla is now a survivor in sex trafficking and she was brave enough to tell us about what goes on in this kind of

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