Human Intuition: The Five Senses Of The Sixth Sense

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As humans, we interact with the world around us in five main discernible ways: seeing, hearing, tasting, touching, and smelling. Appropriately, they are known together as the five senses, five clearly distinguishable ways we could familiarize ourselves with an environment or recognize a new situation which we have not encountered before. As discussed in class, they help the brain perceive the world around us in a way where we can understand and react to everything which is happening around us. It is not just humans who have these abilities either, as almost all animals rely on at least one sharpened sense to help them avoid danger on a day to day basis and survive in whatever environment they live in. While none of our sensory abilities may be the strongest ones individually compared to certain ones in certain other animals, what makes humans unique as a species is that we possess an ability to input the information all of …show more content…

Although there is as of yet no scientific basis for the sixth sense, human intuition and the “gut feeling” has become a great indicator for many of what’s to come as anything else, and famous cases of the future being anticipated such as that of Nostradamus have only helped to legitimize and build up the belief that a sixth sense may actually exist within humans. What’s more, this feeling of foreboding can apply to the presence of people and spiritual presences as well, indicating that the sensing of energy does indeed play a role. The sixth sense can even be found in animals, as there have been many documented cases of creatures such as mice and dogs acting strangely before a natural disaster happened in their area. I find it unlikely that so many seemingly random instincts by so many could turn out to be so

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