Human Bulldozer

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Human Bulldozer
Despite the amount of progress humanity has made on planet earth, we slowly deteriorate and find it harder to sustain the economy because of the corrupted water systems drought ,deforestation and an uncontrollable human population increase.Our economy is growing and it is going out the earth's capacity. Its natural resources are being destroyed and we are all soon beginning to lose are meaning to life. Earth has been here for 4 billion years and we have only been on earth for about 200 years. Just to think about the how quickly we have become one of the most dominate species on the planet. Taking over territories,lands and resources controlling life that once made us possible.Where homosypiense and our first achivment was learning …show more content…

In the article “Entering the new world” About 161 million tons of trees are used to make paper.There goes half of the world's forest.Soon there won't be anymore tress who provide oxygen which we need to survive in a way you can say trees made us.But just don't take my word for it or the articles take a real life scenario about the Easter Islanders in how they cut down all their trees without thinking and acting in the moment they were left stranded in their island no choice but to become cannibals and destroyed one

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