Hugo Mazuela Research Paper

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Currently the country facing: shortages, lines, inflation, and huge amounts of unemployment. The economy is just as much a disaster and the food lines are going to be just as long the day after the new government would take charge. The pressure is high and the protests have turned violent. The people are getting extremely angry and the government is getting extremely desperate to hold on. With protest of this maditue comes firing of tear-gas, firing of rubber bullets, severely beating protesters, and of course looting. The country is extremely divided. You’ve got a number of people who still believe in Hugo Chávez’s movement, similar to what we saw in our 2016 presidential election and you’ve got a large number of people who want someone different in charge, the Supreme Court was attacked and Maduro wants to establish …show more content…

The last time the constitution was rewritten in Venezuela, there was a vote to decide whether the process was even going to start. Due to how unpopular the government is we do not this time I do not think the people of venusela is foing to be asked, Maduro could be heading toward dictatorship. One thing that’s already happening is the opposition is threatening to form a parallel government. That’s an extremely dangerous move. If the other side decides to arm itself, you could have fighting especially if there are two groups that consider themselves to be the government.
Donald Trump has said he’s going to impose sanctions on Venezuela if Maduro go ahead with this changes. The American government could put restrictions on buying oil for American businesses. That could lead Venezuela in an even bigger disaster since the U.S. buys half of Venezuela’s oil. All of Venezuela’s neighbors are looking at the situation

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